A Mouse's Tale

Random scurryings of a writer.

“Holding on, holding on today…”

It seems as though Lifehouse has recently become the soundtrack of my life. Don’t ask me why, but it just is.

So far on my sick day I have:

*Done two loads of dishes

*Did a water change on my fish tank

*Made the bed*

*Checked my e-mail

*Added thirteen posts to AddFaith.net. Count ’em: THIRTEEN.

*I’ve signed a statement saying that I am against the U.S. and the United Nations turning a blind eye on the issues that are going on in Tibet.

*I hung a Tibetan prayer flag over my desk as a reminder of the many innocents being killed over there by the Chinese militia.

*I have cleaned my desk to the point that I can once again have a candle burning while I’m working. (I haven’t been able to do that since December.)

*I have organized all the information I need to prove to Franklin Memorial Hospital that I can not afford my bill.

*I have relaxed.

And that’s all before 3pm….

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